Confirmation of final numbers:
Please confirm your final numbers by 5pm the day before your Party. This can be done either by phone or email:
El-Vaquero Whetstone 020 8445 1882 or reservations@elvaquerowhetstone.co.uk.
El-Vaquero Mill Hill 020 8906 8504 or reservations@elvaquero.co.uk
First sitting reservations only:
5pm and 5.30pm are limited to 1hr and 30mins
6pm, 6.30pm and 7pm reservations are limited to 1hr and 45mins.
Please make sure your party arrives promptly and everyone is aware of the time limit.
8.45pm and 9.00pm:
Please make sure your party arrives promptly.
Sunday Lunch, Mothers / Fathers Day/ Xmas Day/Boxing Day:
All lunch sittings are approximately 2hrs long
Fish Orders:
The fish choice is salmon, sea bass or sea bream. Please call the restaurant or email by 5pm the day before your party. If your party is on a Sunday we need to have your fish order by 5pm on the Friday.
El-Vaquero Whetstone 020 8445 1882 or by email reservations@elvaquerowhetstone.co.uk.
El-Vaquero Mill Hill 020 8906 8504 or by email reservations@elvaquero.co.uk
Cancellations and Refunds: (at the discretion of management)
48hrs notice or more = a 100% refund of your deposit.
By 5pm the day before = a 50% refund of your deposit.
(If you arrive on the night with less guests than you confirmed your deposit refund will be reduced accordingly.)
A 12.5% discretionary gratuity will be added to the final bill of all tables